An intelligent approach to therapy



If you have read this and would like an appointment or would like to talk to me further before making an appointment, please feel free to call me at 918-254-1023 in Broken Arrow, OK. If you leave a message I will call you back.

When you come to me for a session I expect to be able to identify and eliminate at least one imprinted, irrational belief. This usually takes an hour to an hour-and-a-half.  The charge for the first hour, or less, is $100, but then each minute after that first hour is just $1.  I don’t diagnose by the DSM so insurance will not cover the cost.



My Method
Contact Me
Case Studies

















"I refer clients to Ted Lowe on a steady basis and in my opinion his therapy
approach achieves greater healing than anything I've ever seen."   

Sharon Braden, PHD, LPC


"As a person who deals with serious health issues in the field of cardiology
I have appreciated discovering Ted Lowe's unique approach to treating mental
and emotional problems. It has proven itself to be an invaluable complement
to the more conventional, scientific approach that I apply on a daily basis."

Dan Roland, Physician's assistant, Cardiology, Jane Phillips Hospital

"As a specialist in the field of cardiology no one is more dedicated than I
to discovering what makes people well. I have found Ted Lowe's unique method
of psycho-therapy to be an invaluable bridge between unresolved emotional
issues and the subsequent physical symptoms of the patients that I treat on a
daily basis."

Mollie Bechtelheimer, Physicians Assistant, Cardiology, Jane Phillips Hospital





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